
Problem Solving: Bruce Lee's 'Game of Death'

Part of the mistique of Bruce Lee is often his unfortunate death while the while filming. He had just started filming fight scenes for 'Game of Death'. The studios decided to go ahead anyway and took the 11 minutes they had in the can and built an entire movie about it.
How did they do that?
From the Bathroom Readers' Institute article:

Problem Solving

How do you make a movie using a dead actor? Golden Harvest tackled the problem in a number of different ways:

  • Lee’s double was filmed in wide angle shots, from behind, or in the dark whenever possible.

  • Reaction shots of the real Bruce Lee, recycled from his earlier films, were spliced into the scenes with Lee’s double.
  • In one scene they literally cut out a still photograph of Bruce Lee’s head and pasted it on the screen over the double’s head.
  • In scenes where the double does show his face, he wears a large pair of dark sunglasses and sometimes even a fake moustache and beard. In other scenes he wears a motorcycle helmet with the darkened visor pulled down.
  • The plot was written to explain the character’s changed appearance: Early in the film a gangster tried to kill Billy Lo by shooting him in the face. Lo survives, but undergoes plastic surgery to repair the damage, and emerges from the hospital literally a new man.

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