
Whorror Favorite... Hostel 1 and 2


Hostel (2005): I know, I know. I’m not usually very fond of torture movies but I thought the concepts were great. Premise: there is a place where you can pay to torture/kill a stranger for entertainment. The movie is full of bursts of slasher movie gore, but after squirming and wincing through the first half of the movie at the monsters who murder for blood lust… by the end of the movie you are yelling for blood and equally brutal payback.

Hostel: Part 2 (2007): In the first movie, most of the victims were male. The sequel tackles the even more terrifying female victim perspective, but pays off in an epic feminist hero conclusion. Also the “customers” and business side of murder are explored.

Both were very scary. However unpopular, I kinda like this director’s movies because the does a fun 1980's combination of teens and disgustingly gory special effects, comedy and horror. On a snootier level: the Hostels movies are about the price of life and blatantly exposes the viewer's own guilt for being entertained by violence and terror. 

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